21 February 2006

On Money

Do I despise money? Not as such, no! Do I despise those who through their own labour physical or mental have money? Not as such, no! Do I despise those who, having money, work to make it grow but do no harm physical or mental to those around them? Not as such, no! Do I despise those who employ others to work and enrich them but who in doing so enrich those around them in turn? Not as such, no! Do I despise those who have money by accident of birth alone? Yes, those I despise! Is it jealousy? Thinking on it it may be. But I am, after all, only human! Do I despise those who have obtained money on the exploited backs of others? Yes, those I despise most of all. More than that, for them I reserve my contempt! Utter, utter contempt. They are sub-beings. They belong not with us! Why do I feel this? Because I am, after all, only human!

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